G.I. Joe Toys & Collectibles
Immerse yourself in the world of real American heroes with our carefully curated collection of G.I. Joe toys and collectibles. From classic action figures to rare editions, Eternia Dreams brings you the finest selection to fuel your passion for military action and adventure. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a nostalgic fan, our store is a treasure trove of iconic characters, vehicles, and playsets from the G.I. Joe universe. Join us in celebrating the bravery and camaraderie of these action-packed figures, and embark on a journey through the history of G.I. Joe at Eternia Dreams Toy Store. Yo Joe!
The Toy Timeline
The debut of Gene Roddenberry's TV series "The Lieutenant" inspires toy designer Stanley Weston of Weston Merchandising Corp. Seeking a Barbie-scale articulated toy soldier tie-in, Hasbro develops the 11 3/4-inch (30 cm) G.I. Joe. Weston is awarded $100,000 for his contribution to the concept.
The initial G.I. Joe toy line hits stores, promoted as a "moveable fighting man" or "action figure" to differentiate it from dolls. The name draws inspiration, at least partially, from the 1945 Burgess Meredith film "The Story of G.I. Joe," and the face is modeled after WWII Medal of Honor recipient Mitchell Paige, a US Marine honored with an official Joe figure in his likeness in 1998.
British company Palitoy licensed to sell G.I. Joe-based products in the UK under the name Action Man
Hasbro publishes The Adventures of Andy and George in the G.I. Joe Club in DC Comics to promote new products
The G.I. Joe Adventure Team shifts the line's concept away from military themes. In Japan, the toy company Takara secures a license to sell specific Hasbro products, including G.I. Joe, marketed as Combat Joe.
The iconic "Kung-Fu grip" was introduced to G.I. Joe figures, elevating their playability. Simultaneously, Takara launched the Microman toy line, the first 3 3/4-inch pocket-size action figures, later marketed as Micronauts by Mego Corporation in the US. Meanwhile, Mattel entered the scene with its Heroes in Action line, pioneering the first US-original figure lines in the 3 3/4-inch scale distributed by major toy companies. These innovations reshaped the landscape of the action figure market during this era.
8 1/2-inch Super Joe figure series released, shortly after it was retired.
G.I. Joe came out in a new 3 3/4" scale, reimagined as an elite military unit dedicated to defending freedom against the evil Cobra organization. It is this incarnation of G.I. Joe that has evolved over the years into the toy line we know and love today.
Hasbro's first improvement on the design: Swivel-Arm Battle Grip. Now G.I. Joe could bend their arms inward and outward, adding more realistic movement and a better way to hold accessories.
Hasbro introduced their second design improvement to their figure construction in 1985: the neck ball. Now figures weren't restricted to just left and right movement in the neck, Joes could now look up and down as well!
With a new cartoon on the airwaves, Hasbro releases a figure with a VHS tape containing an episode of the series. The sub-line team concept is further defined with themed gimmicks included with the figures: working parachutes for Sky Patrol and electronic backpacks for the Sonic Fighters.
Ninja Force takes the sub-line gimmicks to a whole new level - this time, the gimmicks are built into the figures themselves with spring-action ninja moves.
Falling sales and increased competition from competing boys' toy lines and video games bring the end of the original run of the 3 3/4" G.I. Joe this year.
Acknowledging the 15th Anniversary of the 3 3/4" line, a small but ambitious series of toys are released as Toys R Us exclusives. However, the loss of intended molds and inexperience with a new kind of plastic mars the actual release. With the previous year's line deemed a success, Toys R Us again receives an exclusive toy line for this year. Additionally, the first newly sculpted part in 4 years premieres.
After a one-year break, G.I. Joe makes a full retail return in a series of two-pack figure sets called the Real American Hero collection. With (literally) explosive packaging and fan-friendly characters, the line proves to be a success, breathing new life into the G.I. Joe brand.